Use this form to tell us if our services have been helpful. Has there been an event which you have benefited from or has there been a person who has supported you?
You can also suggest improvements for any aspect of UAL’s Careers and Employability (C&E) service.
Thank you for taking the time to offer us your thoughts and experiences. Your feedback is extremely helpful, as it gives us the opportunity to reflect on our service and improve our offer for UAL students and graduates.
At this stage, our administrator may share your feedback with the Head of C&E and other colleagues, but your name and/or contact details will remain entirely confidential. If we wish to share your feedback, along with your name and/or contact details, we will speak to you first.
Please read our privacy notice.
Providing the following information is optional.
This is for monitoring purposes. We collect this information to promote equal opportunities for all. All responses are confidential.